Support Town Camp Artists
Through their work, Town Camp Artists tell stories about their culture, families, identity and everyday lives. Their art practice aims to highlight the everyday experience of Aboriginal people in Central Australia and share their stories.
Your donation directly supports the artists, our skills development programs, Town Camp projects and the continuation of culture through storytelling.
Tangentyere Artists is a not-for-profit with DGR status.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
What your donation can support;
$25 – art materials for an artist for a one day workshop (paints, brushes, linen)
$50 – art kit for one less mobile artist to paint at home or on their outstation
$100 - one day punu workshop on site at Tangentyere Artists or within a Town Camp, for up to 8 people (jewellery and timber sculpture)
$250 – art materials for ten artists for a two day workshop off site within a Town Camp Community Centre (donation provides materials, Tangentyere Artists provide staff)
$500 – art materials and sundries for 4 artists to go on a painting bush trip (Tangentyere Artists provide staff)
$1000 – travel for one artist to participate in an art fair/interstate professional development opportunity
$1500 - 25 metre roll of linen, one month studio supply at Tangentyere Artists
$2000 - travel for two artists to participate together in an art fair/interstate professional development opportunity
$3000 - supports 6 days of facilitated skills development workshop with up to 20 artists at a Town Camp community centre