Iwenhele Dishes Alhweme?


Linen tea towel designed by Anne McMillan and Edrick Coulthard of Ewyenper Atwatye.

Inwenhele Dishes Alhweme? is Arrente language for Who's Washing The Dishes?

Linen Colour:
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Linen tea towel designed by Anne McMillan and Edrick Coulthard of Ewyenper Atwatye.

Inwenhele Dishes Alhweme? is Arrente language for Who's Washing The Dishes?

Linen tea towel designed by Anne McMillan and Edrick Coulthard of Ewyenper Atwatye.

Inwenhele Dishes Alhweme? is Arrente language for Who's Washing The Dishes?

Linen Colours sm_text.jpg

Material: 100 % Linen (50x70 cm) in flax and oatmeal colours.
Sourced from Linen Line Australia (QLD). 
Screen Printed: QLD, Australia.
Pictured in Flax.